101 Ruby Code Factoids
0) ‘methods’ method
Since almost everything in Ruby is an Object you can type dot methods on it to see what methods are available.
4.methods - Object.methods # => [:-@, :+, :-, :*, :/, :div, :%, :modulo, :divmod, :fdiv, :**, :abs, :magnitude, :~, :&, :|, :^, :[], :<<, :>>, :to_f, :size, :bit_length, :zero?, :odd?, :even?, :succ, :integer?, :upto, :downto, :times, :next, :pred, :chr, :ord, :to_i, :to_int, :floor, :ceil, :truncate, :round, :gcd, :lcm, :gcdlcm, :numerator, :denominator, :to_r, :rationalize, :singleton_method_added, :coerce, :i, :+@, :remainder, :real?, :nonzero?, :step, :quo, :to_c, :real, :imaginary, :imag, :abs2, :arg, :angle, :phase, :rectangular, :rect, :polar, :conjugate, :conj, :between?]
1) _
In IRB the use of the underscore variable _ will hold the evaluation of the last line of code executed.
When the variable is used in code it’s an indicator from the developer that this parameter isn’t going to be used. For example “Divided into columns of 4”
[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9].group_by.with_index {|_,index| index % 4 }.values # => [[0, 4, 9], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]]
In the Minitest framework, starting in version 5.6.0, the use of underscore is an alias to the new spec style testing.
spec(4).must_be :even? _(4).wont_be :odd?
2) instance_exec
The instance_exec method is available on every Object, and everything in Ruby is an Object, and when you use it you open up the singleton_class of the object to work on. Anything you can do in a Class you could do in an instance_exec.
num = Object.new num.instance_exec { def == other other == 3 end } num == 4 # => false num == 3 # => true
You can even use this on a Proc… which could drive people crazy if you do. But just so you know that you can, here it is.
prc = proc {|num| num == 4} prc.instance_exec { def == other; other == 3 end } prc.call(4) # => true prc.call(3) # => false prc == 4 # => false prc == 3 # => true
3) Enumerator::Lazy
An Enumerator::Lazy object will give you back one object at a time from your collection with optional processing on each item.
def do_the_lazy(array_input) Enumerator::Lazy.new(array_input) do |yielder, value| yielder << value end end x = do_the_lazy([1,2,3,4,5,6]) # => #<Enumerator::Lazy: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:each> x.next # => 1 x.next # => 2 x.next # => 3 x.force # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
4) Struct has Enumerable as its ancestor
Since Struct has Enumerable as its ancestor you can use any method from it and write some handy methods on Structs themselves.
class Pair < Struct.new(:first, :second) def same? inject(:==) end def add reduce(:+) end end a = Pair.new(4,4) # => #<struct Pair first=4, second=4> a.same? # => true a.add # => 8 b = Pair.new(5,6) # => #<struct Pair first=5, second=6> b.same? # => false b.add # => 11
5) $:
The $: variable is the load path for Ruby gems. Also available via $LOAD_PATH. You can add the current directory to your load path with:
$: << '.'
6) inspect
The inspect method is meant to be a human readable representation for any object. It is the default representation of an Object when you call Class#new and it shows it on the next line.
class Human < Struct.new(:name, :age) def inspect "#{name} is a human of age #{age}" end end joe = Human.new("Joe", 43) # => Joe is a human of age 43
7) Hash#invert
Reverse your Hash key-value pairs.
{a: 1, b: 2}.invert # => {1=>:a, 2=>:b}
8) Method#to_proc
You can convert methods to a proc. Note they may be exclusively scoped to the same kind of Object they were defined in.
def plus_one(x) x + 1 end proc_increment = method(:plus_one).to_proc proc_increment.call(4) # => 5 [1,3,5,9].map(&proc_increment) # => [2, 4, 6, 10]
9) module_function
module_function is to a Module what private is to a Class. Clarification: when included.
For writing your own private methods in a module see my blog post: Private Module Methods in Ruby
10) require_relative
require_relative is a convenient way to load other ruby files relative to your current files location.
11) instance_methods
On any class you can call the instance_methods method to find out what the individual instances of the class will have defined on them.
12) Enumerable
Enumerable is a module that is included in basic collection types such as Array, Hash, and Struct. So all of these object types will include the instance methods from Enumerable.
13) defined?
The defined? method keyword is handy for checking whether anything is publicly defined module, class, method, etc. On classes on modules you can also call method_defined?, public_method_defined?, private_method_defined?, and protected_method_defined?
14) –noprompt
If you execute IRB with the command line flag –noprompt you will enter in to an IRB session with none of the extra characters showing up on the left side of the terminal. This is great if you want to experiment with code and then use your mouse to copy & paste from it.
15) string % value(s)
You can insert with type conversion into strings using the percent % method.
"Number: %f %f" % [1,2] # => Number: 1.000000 2.000000 "Number: %e" % "6" # => "Number: 6.000000e+00"
16) ternary operator _ ? _ : _
When you use a question mark after something with some space it starts an if else switch. If the value before the question mark is true then return the first item after the question mark. If false then move past the colon mark.
true ? 10 : 20 # => 10 false ? 10 : 20 # => 20 false ? 10 : 20 ? 30 : 40 # => 30 false ? 10 : !20 ? 30 : 40 # => 40 false ? 10 : 20 ? 30 ? 50 : 60 : 40 # => 50 false ? 10 : 20 ? !30 ? 50 : 60 : 40 # => 60 false ? 10 : !20 ? 30 ? 50 : 60 : 40 # => 40
Is is generally advisable to use just one ternary operator per line. If you wish to use more you should add parenthesis around each inner expression to allow for ease of comprehension.
17) ruby -e “#code”
Run ruby code snippets from the command line
home:~$ ruby -e "puts 1 + 1" 2
18) %[]
%[] is just like using quotations to form a string. It allows you to use interpolation, double quotes, and single quotes within.
%[Hello #{ "World!" } "Quoted" and 'quoted!'] # => "Hello World! \"Quoted\" and 'quoted!'"
19) erb
ERB is an included library with Ruby and you can use it to add Ruby code to other documents/strings.
require "erb" ERB.new(%[<html><body>Hello <%= "Wor" + "ld!" %></body></html>]).result # => "<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>"
20) undefined Class instance variables don’t raise errors
When a variable hasn’t been defined yet and you use the class instance variable form of an at symbol (@) then it will evaluate as nil rather than raising any “undefined” errors.
@a # => nil @a.to_i # => 0 class A end A.new.instance_eval {@a} # => nil def count_from_one() @num = @num.to_i + 1 end count_from_one # => 1 count_from_one # => 2 count_from_one # => 3 count_from_one # => 4
21) UnboundMethod
You can extract an instance method from a class and use it like a stand alone Proc with bind.
split = String.instance_method(:split) # => #<UnboundMethod: String#split> class String undef :split end "asdf".split("s") #NoMethodError: undefined method `split' for "asdf":String split.bind("asdf").call("s") # => ["a", "df"]
22) ObjectSpace
You can get get a reference to every instance of a specific object with ObjectSpace.
class A end 3.times do A.new end ObjectSpace.each_object(A).count # => 3 ObjectSpace.each_object(A).to_a # => [#<A:0x0000000204cc00>, #<A:0x00000002244800>, #<A:0x00000002254430>]
23) freeze
Once you freeze an object it cannot be modified.
module Test def self.example "Hello World!" end end Test.freeze Test.example # => "Hello World!" module Test def self.asdf 123 end end #RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Module
24) ‘self’ can optionally be replaced by the object name
module Apple def Apple.chew "munch munch" end end Apple.chew # => "munch munch" def Apple.cut "chop chop" end Apple.cut # => "chop chop" class A def A.foo "bar" end end A.foo # => "bar"
25) Top level scope objects can be accessed with ::
module A def self.test "FOO" end end module Thing module A def self.test "BAR" end end def Thing.inner A.test end def Thing.outer ::A.test end end Thing.outer # => "FOO" Thing.inner # => "BAR"
26) prepend
prepend adds a module to the most recent chain of class ancestors. Those methods will be called first.
module A def split self.upcase end end String.prepend A String.ancestors # => [A, String, Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] "asdf".split # => "ASDF"
27) super
super calls the current methods name up the ancestor chain and continues until it finds the definition.
module A def split(*_) super("a") end end class B < String def split super("b") end end b = B.new("123abc") # => "123abc" b.split # => ["123a", "c"] B.ancestors # => [B, String, Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] String.prepend A b.split # => ["123", "bc"] B.ancestors # => [B, A, String, Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
28) arity
arity lets you know how many parameters a Proc or method will take.
->{}.arity # => 0 ->_{}.arity # => 1 ->_,_{}.arity # => 2 ->*_{}.arity # => -1 "".method(:upcase).arity # => 0 String.instance_method(:upcase).arity # => 0
29) cloning Arrays
When you use the Array#clone method you end up with a different Array with the same exact Objects in them. No additional memory will be used for the internal objects. Array#dup will do the same thing.
class Thing end a = [Thing.new, Thing.new] # => [#<Thing:0x000000017eba48>, #<Thing:0x000000017eba20>] b = a.clone # => [#<Thing:0x000000017eba48>, #<Thing:0x000000017eba20>] a.object_id # => 12541180 b.object_id # => 12522640 a.map(&:object_id) # => [12541220, 12541200] b.map(&:object_id) # => [12541220, 12541200]
If you modify the Array itself you don’t have to worry about the other Array being effected. But if you change an object in the Array internally that object will be changed in both Arrays.
30) Default value for Hash
Just like above where duplicating an Array points to the same objects, so also we have the same object returned when we set a default for the Hash.
h = Hash.new # => {} h.default = [] # => [] a = h[:c] # => [] b = h[:d] # => [] a[0] = 1 # => 1 h[:z] # => [1]
To remedy this it’s best to use default_proc to create a new Array each time.
h = Hash.new # => {} h.default_proc = ->hsh,key{ hsh[key] = [] } # => #<Proc:0x00000001f66598@(irb):8 (lambda)> a = h[:c] # => [] b = h[:d] # => [] a[0] = 1 # => 1 h[:z] # => []
31) class_eval with included
Using class_eval when you’re writing methods to be included is the more natural way of updating classes. You’ll write your definitions just as if you’re in the class.
class A end module Example def self.included(base) base.class_eval do def example "instance method" end def self.example "class method" end end end end A.include Example A.example "class method" A.new.example "instance method"
32) inherited
When you’re having one class inherit from another class as a “mixin” you can write an inherited hook.
class Foo def self.inherited(base) base.class_eval do def bar "Drinking at the bar!" end end end def foo "bar" end end class A < Foo end A.new.foo # => "bar" A.new.bar # => "Drinking at the bar!" Foo.new.foo # => "bar" Foo.new.bar #NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for #<Foo:0x00000001916378>
33) %x
You can run external commands with %x{}. %x can have any grouping symbols around its content: eg: ”, “”, {}, [], //, (), ^^. Ruby’s percent methods typically allow all of these and more (most any non-alphanumeric character).
puts %x'cowsay "Hello World!"' # ______________ #< Hello World! > # -------------- # \ ^__^ # \ (oo)\_______ # (__)\ )\/\ # ||----w | # || || # => nil
34) break :value
You can return a value out of a loop with break just like you would with return.
x = loop do break 9 end x # => 9
35) Lonely Operator &.
As of Ruby 2.3.0 there is a new operator known as the Safe Navigation Operator, or the Lonely Operator. According to Matz it “looks like someone sitting on the floor, looking at the dot.” What this operator allows you to do is continue chaining methods even if one of the items along the way returns nil. It will safely return nil if that is the case.
@a&.size # => nil @a = [1,2,3] @a&.size # => 3
Notice we didn’t get a NoMethodError. This will save a lot of the uses of the Rails try method.
36) Hash#to_proc
Mapping values in Ruby is fairly common. As of Ruby 2.3.0 they’ve added Hash#to_proc.
hsh = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} [:a, :b, :c].map(&hsh) # => [1, 2, 3]
Anytime you place an ampersand symbol before an Object as a parameter it calls the to_proc method on the Object. You can mimic the behavior above in earlier versions of Ruby by using the method method.
hsh = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} [:a, :b, :c].map(&hsh.method(:[])) # => [1, 2, 3]
37) retry
In any begin/rescue/end block you can use retry to repeat the code execution within the block when an error is raised.
begin @x = @x.to_i + 1 raise "Error" if @x < 5 rescue puts "We're rescuing!" retry end We're rescuing! We're rescuing! We're rescuing! We're rescuing! # => nil
38) raise
raise can take 3 different parameters. Just a text explanation, an Error class & a text explanation, or an Error class & text explanation & where the error is from.
raise "Hello World!" #RuntimeError: Hello World! raise StandardError, "Hello World!" #StandardError: Hello World! class DigestionError < StandardError end raise DigestionError, "stomach hurts", "bad food" #DigestionError: stomach hurts # from bad food
Note you’ll probably want to use file and line info for the from area.
39) __FILE__
The current file. In irb this will return “(irb)” .
40) __LINE__
The current line.
41) Hash.[]
Hash[:array, :of, :key, :value, :pairs, "."] # => {:array=>:of, :key=>:value, :pairs=>"."}
42) Global Variables
The dollar sign defines global variables. ($) Please don’t use them. It will kludge up your code. Constants can be used as global variables. When possible use constants or objects to contain values you need. APPLE is a lot nicer to see than $apple . If you need to define APPLE globally just use ::APPLE
module Kludge def Kludge.ugly $marco = :polo end end $marco # => nil Kludge.ugly $marco # => :polo module Nice def self.thing ::Marco = :polo end end Marco #NameError: uninitialized constant Marco Nice.thing Marco # => :polo
43) $0
$0 (dollar-zero) is the root file executed in Ruby. It can be used like Python’s __name__ == “__main__” to only run code if this file is the main file. Avoid running code when the file is required with this.
if __FILE__ == $0 puts "You ran this #{__FILE__} directly! :-)" end
44) case permits then
case 1 when 1 then puts "yes" end #yes # => nil
45) case doesn’t need a value
y = 4 case when y == 4 then puts "yes" end #yes # => nil
46) case then is optional
case 4 when 4 puts "yes" end #yes # => nil
47) case calls the === method
module Truth def self.===(thing) puts "=== has been called!" true end end case :pizza_is_delicious when Truth puts "yummy food for my tummy" end #=== has been called! #yummy food for my tummy # => nil
48) tail conditions
You can put your if statements and rescue statements after code.
@x = begin 5 end if false @x # => nil raise "Error" rescue :all_clear # => :all_clear if true puts "Hello World!" end if false # => nil
49) use of return
In Ruby the last thing evaluated is automatically the returned object. The only time you need to use return is if you want to exit with a value earlier in the code.
@x = 3 def a return true if @x == 3 false end a # => true @x = 5 a # => false
50) String#chars
The chars method will automatically split your string into individual String characters in an Array.
"asdf".chars # => ["a", "s", "d", "f"]
51) to_enum, enum_for, each, lazy
On any Array you can call any of to_enum, enum_for, each, or lazy methods to return an Enumerator Object that you can iterate over. You have basic methods :next, :peek, :feed, and :rewind for each of these Enumerators. But with Lazy you also get a :force method which returns the original collection.
x = [1,2,3].enum_for x.next # => 1 x.next # => 2 y = [1,2,3].lazy y.peek # => 1 y.force # => [1,2,3]
52) curry
You can create additional Proc objects that set some of the parameters on another.
add = lambda {|a,b| a + b } add.call(1,2) # => 3 add1 = add.curry[1] add1.call(4) # => 5
53) mandatory keyword parameters
def name(first:, last:) puts "Your name is #{first} #{last}." end name #ArgumentError: missing keywords: first, last name first: "J", last: "Appleseed" #Your name is J Appleseed. # => nil
54) Range inclusive and exclusive
Range.new(1,5,true).to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4] (1...5).to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4] Range.new(1,5,false).to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (1..5).to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
55) String#upto
The upto method for String uses the strings ordinal values to build the range.
"A".upto("z").to_a # => ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", # "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\", "]", # "^", "_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", # "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"] "A".upto("z").to_a.map(&:ord) # => [65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, # 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, # 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, # 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122]
56) String#squeeze
The squeeze method on String objects brings gaps down to one in length.
" asdf fdsa asdf ".squeeze # => " asdf fdsa asdf " "..asdf.......fdsa....asdf...".squeeze(".") # => ".asdf.fdsa.asdf."
Clarification: This doesn’t just squeeze spaces. When no parameter is given it squeezes all duplicate neighboring characters.
57) String#replace
The replace method is unusual as it allows you to rewrite the string inside itself.
class String def are_you_happy? self.replace "I'm happy" end end x = "waaaa!" # => "waaaa!" x.are_you_happy? # => "I'm happy" x # => "I'm happy"
58) Infinity
You can count up to infinity… but you should do it lazily.
x = (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy 50.times do x.next end # => 50 x.next # => 51
59) Enumerable#detect
You can use the detect method to return the first item that evaluates as true.
[1,5,9,11,13,15,18,21,24,26,28].detect(&:even?) # => 18 [1,5,9,11,13,15,18,21,24,26,28].detect {|number| number.even? } # => 18
60) Enumerable#grep
You can use the grep method to find items in an Array that match your expression.
Array.instance_methods.grep /\?/ # => [:include?, :any?, :empty?, :eql?, :frozen?, :all?, :one?, :none?, # :member?, :instance_of?, :instance_variable_defined?, :kind_of?, :is_a?, # :respond_to?, :nil?, :tainted?, :untrusted?, :equal?] Array.instance_methods.grep /one/ # => [:one?, :none?, :clone]
61) Method#owner
You can discover which object defines a method within the objects ancestry.
Array.instance_method(:grep).owner # => Enumerable [].method(:grep).owner # => Enumerable
62) String#tr
Replaces all characters that match in place.
"hello world".tr('el', '*') # => "h***o wor*d"
63) String#tr_s
Replaces all characters that match and squashes groups.
"hello world".tr_s('el', '*') # => "h*o wor*d"
64) Array building
Using Kernel#Array to safely enforce an Array result along with using a class variable to avoid any errors creates for a clean looking and less redundant Array builder. The << method appends a to the end of the Array.
def build(thing) @arr = Array(@arr) << thing end @arr # => nil build :brick1 build :brick2 build :brick3 @arr # => [:brick1, :brick2, :brick3]
A more common form is as follows:
(@arr ||= []) << thing
But I find this far more cryptic looking and not as newbie friendly. Readability, simplicity, and beauty are all important.
65) spaces
You can put spaces in between method calls and new lines after periods.
a = "asdf" a . reverse . split( "s" ) . join . capitalize # => "Fda" module A module B module C def self.a "a" end end end end A:: B:: C . a # => "a"
66) function one liners
With a semicolon you can avoid the need for adding extra lines. Best for when you need to have many “short” functions defined.
class PairMath < Struct.new(:a,:b) def add; inject(:+) end def subtract; inject(:-) end def multiply; inject(:*) end def divide; inject(:/) end end a = PairMath.new(6,2) # => #<struct PairMath a=6, b=2> a.add # => 8 a.subtract # => 4 a.multiply # => 12 a.divide # => 3
67) Forwardable#def_delegators
You can pass method calls forward (to another object) with the Forwardable standard library module.
require 'forwardable' class Arr def initialize(thing = []) @thing = thing end extend Forwardable def_delegators :@thing, :join, :<< end x = Arr.new([1,2,3]) x.join # => "123" x << 4 x.join # => "1234"
68) unless
unless is the same thing as if not (as it’s understood in English). So whenever you see it – think “if not” and that should help. If you aren’t accustomed to this it can be confusing. The use case for unless is: you want a positive response for a negative situation.
module Tree def self.has_no_apples? true end end puts "Munch munch" unless Tree.has_no_apples? # => nil
69) superclass
You can use superclass to access the class inherited from.
class A def foo "bar" end end class B < A def foo "mountain" end end x = B.new x.foo # => "mountain" x.class.superclass # => A
70) binding an UnboundMethod
Continuing from the code above in #69 .
x.instance_exec { self. class. superclass. instance_method(:foo). bind(self). call } # => "bar"
When instance_method(:foo) is invoked above it returns an UnboundMethod. UnboundMethods can only be used in the same kind of Object they were defined in. But first they must be bound. To do this we used bind(self) inside an instance_exec . Then to call it we run it as we would a Proc object with the call method.
71) alternative code continuation with \
If you don’t like entering new lines after a period, you may use a backslash.
"asdf" \ .reverse \ .split("s") \ .join \ .capitalize # => "Fda"
Multiple line strings.
def a <<ASTRING This is multi- line. ASTRING end def b <<-BSTRING This is as well! BSTRING end a # => " This\n is \n multi-\n line.\n" b # => " This\n is\n as\n well!\n"
The dash (–) is needed if you want to indent the ending of your HEREDOC closer.
As of Ruby 2.3.0 they’ve added the squiggle (~) option to remove leading white space. Note: It’s called a tilde and not squiggle.
def c <<~CSTRING Look ma! No leading white space. CSTRING end c # => "Look\nma!\nNo\nleading\nwhite\nspace.\n"
You can use any up-cased string for marking the beginning and ending of your HEREDOC as long as they’re the same at both ends.
73) Hash#dig
As of Ruby 2.3.0 you now have a dig method great for getting deep into nested hashes.
buried_treasure = {dirt: {dirt: {dirt: "gold"}}} buried_treasure.dig(:dirt, :dirt, :dirt) # => "gold"
74) dynamically naming classes
Ruby is full of ways to dynamically define methods. But for classes there seems to only be the use of eval. One way to define Classes is with eval.
def boat_them_all(array_in) array_in.each do |noun| eval <<-BOATMAKER class ::#{noun.capitalize}Boat def float? true end end BOATMAKER end end nouns = [:joe, :cow, :car] boat_them_all(nouns) JoeBoat.new.float? # => true CowBoat.new.float? # => true CarBoat.new.float? # => true
I use the double colon here because in most cases you’ll be defining classes from within another class or module. And if you want the classes to be available globally you’ll need to prepend the double colon ::
Another way to define a class is to use const_set. (Credit to 0x0dea.)
module M const_set 'SomeClass', Class.new { # methods here } end
75) addition doesn’t care
about excess symbol usage. You can be artsy with code this way :-).
4 + - + + + - - - - + 6 # => -2 4 + - + + + - - - - - + 6 # => 10
76) ~ tilde calls itself on the following Object
class Cow def ~ :moo end end @cow = Cow.new ~ @cow # => :moo ~@cow # => :moo
77) empty parenthesis () is nil
x = () # => nil
78) !!
Truthiness of Object. Think of it as a double negative… it evaluates truth.
!!nil # => false !!false # => false !!Object # => true !!Object.new # => true !!4.+(4) # => true
79) Ranges guess types
And it’s not always the right guess.
("D9".."F5").to_a # => ["D9", "E0", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5", "E6", "E7", "E8", "E9", "F0", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5"] ("DD".."FA").to_a # => ["DD", "DE", "DF", "DG", "DH", "DI", "DJ", "DK", "DL", "DM", "DN", "DO", "DP", "DQ", "DR", "DS", "DT", "DU", "DV", "DW", "DX", "DY", "DZ", "EA", "EB", "EC", "ED", "EE", "EF", "EG", "EH", "EI", "EJ", "EK", "EL", "EM", "EN", "EO", "EP", "EQ", "ER", "ES", "ET", "EU", "EV", "EW", "EX", "EY", "EZ", "FA"] ("88".."AA").to_a # => ["88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99"]
80) Symbols have methods too
:asdf.class # => Symbol :apple.methods - Object.methods # => [:id2name, :intern, :to_sym, :to_proc, :succ, :next, :casecmp, :[], :slice, :length, :size, :empty?, :match, :upcase, :downcase, :capitalize, :swapcase, :encoding, :between?] :apple.capitalize # => :Apple
81) Numbers succ
4.succ # => 5 4.succ.succ.succ # => 7 x = 4 x.succ # => 5 x # => 4
82) %w and %W makes an Array of Strings
Like mentioned above in #33 most non alphanumeric symbols can mark the edges.
x = 4 %w^a s d f #{x}^ # => ["a", "s", "d", "f", "\#{x}"] %W^a s d f #{x}^ # => ["a", "s", "d", "f", "4"]
BONUS: %i and %I for Arrays of Symbols. (credit to tfaaft)
%i(foo bar baz) # => [:foo, :bar, :baz] s = 'ell' %I(foo h#{s}o baz) # => [:foo, :hello, :baz]
83) refinements are awesome
module NewUpcase refine String do def upcase "moo" end end end class B using NewUpcase def thing "asdf".upcase end end B.new.thing # => "moo"
84) Procs keep their original binding
The following code is invalid. The error demonstrates that even though the Proc is called from within an instance of Doctor that the Proc executes and evaluates directly from the instance of Cow.
class Cow def initialize @feeling = "moo" end def feeling proc {send("@greeting") + @feeling} end end class Doctor def initialize @greeting = "Hi Doctor. " end def feeling?(how_are_you) how_are_you.call end end Doctor.new.feeling? Cow.new.feeling #NoMethodError: undefined method `@greeting' for #<Cow:0x000000013e4698 @feeling=:moo>
To make the above work you’d need to have the new scope values brought into the Proc as a parameter.
class Cow def initialize @feeling = "moo" end def feeling proc {|greet| greet + @feeling} end end class Doctor def initialize @greeting = "Hi Doctor. " end def feeling?(how_are_you) how_are_you.call(@greeting) end end Doctor.new.feeling? Cow.new.feeling # => "Hi Doctor. moo"
85) Regex named matchers
/(?<h>.+) (?<w>.+)/.match("Hello World!")["h"] # => "Hello" /(?<h>.+) (?<w>.+)/.match("Hello World!")["w"] # => "World!"
86) included_modules
Beyond knowing the ancestry hierarchy with the ancestors method you can use the included_modules method for, as the name says, just seeing modules included.
Array.included_modules # => [Enumerable, Kernel]
87) at_exit
You can make code run as Ruby exits after the exit command. Example from APIDock
def do_at_exit(str1) at_exit { print str1 } end at_exit { puts "cruel world" } do_at_exit("goodbye ") exit # => goodbye cruel world
BONUS: And BEGIN { ... }
for running ASAP. (credit to 0x0dea)
88) ensure
ensure lets you make sure certain code gets run from within the block.
begin @a = 9 raise "error" ensure @a = 7 end #RuntimeError: error @a # => 7
89) alias
You can give a method an additional name.
class A def foo "bar" end end class B < A alias :fib :foo end B.new.foo # => "bar" B.new.fib # => "bar"
90) ENV
ENV is a variable holding a Hash of your systems environment variables.
91) Marshal
Convert Objects to Strings and back again with Marshal.
x = Marshal.dump(Array([1,2,"3"])) # => "\x04\b[\bi\x06i\aI\"\x063\x06:\x06ET" Marshal.load(x) # => [1, 2, "3"]
92) sleep
You can make your current thread sleep with calling sleep and providing in seconds how long to wait.
93) TAB
In IRB you can press the TAB key to autofill the rest of a constant or method name. If there are more than one possibility it will list them all.
94) help
If you have your RI documentation installed then you can lookup information on methods in Ruby by typing help in IRB.
95) block_given?
block_given? is a method to determine if a block can be evaluated in the current scope. Formerly iterator?
def a(&b) block_given? end a # => false a {} # => true
96) $>
$> is a global variable for STDOUT
$> << "hello world!\n" #hello world! # => #<IO:<STDOUT>>
97) $;
$; is a global variable that may change what strings split on by default.
"a s d".split # => ["a", "s", "d"] $; = "." "a s d".split # => ["a s d"]
It looks as though this feature is here to stay: Ruby Issue #11729
BONUS: And $, is the default for String#join (credit to 0x0dea)
98) warn
You can use warn to print a warning message to STDERR.
warn "Oh no!" #Oh no! # => nil
99) 1.0/0 is Infinity
1/0 #ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0 1.0/0 # => Infinity
100) Ruby has been around for 20 years!
RUBY_COPYRIGHT # => "ruby - Copyright (C) 1993-2015 Yukihiro Matsumoto"
Congratulations you have made it to the end of all 101 Ruby code factoids! Let me know if you found this useful or insightful! Thanks!
As always I hope you’ve enjoyed this! Please comment, share, subscribe to my RSS Feed, and follow me on twitter @6ftdan!
God Bless!
-Daniel P. Clark
P.S. Thanks to everyone who’ve pointed out corrections on here and on reddit! Reddit credits: tfaaft, Craftkorb, 0x0dea, and jb3689.
Image by Bram via the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License
Jesus Castello
January 13, 2016 - 8:55 am
Nice collection you have here 🙂
It’s worth noting that `warn` prints to stderr instead of stdout, you can try that with `irb > /tmp/out`, type 1+1 then type `warn ‘test’`.
The result: 2 will not be printed because stdout is being redirected, but ‘test’ will be printed on your screen.
Here is an extra one for your collection: `__method__`.
With `__method__` you can get the name of the current method, could be useful for meta-programming stuff.
Daniel P. Clark
January 13, 2016 - 10:17 am
Thank you!
Nunya Bidness
January 13, 2016 - 11:03 am
Factoid means an “piece of information that becomes accepted as a fact even though it’s not actually true, or an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print”, not a small fact.
The things you posted here seem true though.
Daniel P. Clark
January 13, 2016 - 12:22 pm
Google’s brief definition says: “a brief or trivial item of news or information.”
Carl Anderson
January 14, 2016 - 2:18 pm
Both are true: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/factoid Which is nearly as confusing as the current definition for literally: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally
Pavel Pravosud
January 13, 2016 - 1:06 pm
iterator? is deprecated. you should use block_given? instead
Pavel Pravosud
January 13, 2016 - 1:10 pm
Also, ENV is not an Array, it’s a Hash-like object
Daniel P. Clark
January 13, 2016 - 2:31 pm
Thanks! Amended both.
Kanna Vrk
January 14, 2016 - 5:35 am
Nice collection, amazing 😉
Leslie Zhang
January 14, 2016 - 9:39 am
Wow, great work!
January 14, 2016 - 2:07 pm
Might be obvious for some people, but it’s sure nice to point out that squeeze without parameters actually squeezes every character, not just space.
Carl Anderson
January 14, 2016 - 2:33 pm
Mention should be made about Hash.invert when there would be duplicate keys after inversion:
h = {test: 1, tests: 1, testing: 2}
{:test=>1, :tests=>1, :testing=>2}
{1=>:tests, 2=>:testing}
January 14, 2016 - 2:47 pm
Nice work!
There were quite a few I hadn’t seen before
Halil Özgür
January 14, 2016 - 4:14 pm
Nice list, thanks!
1) _
You can suffix it with a name if you want to keep the name around even if you don’t intend to use it:
9) module_method
What’s a
? Did you meanmodule_function
?15) string % value(s)
I’d call it formatting rather than type conversion.
16) ternary operator _ ? _ : _
Nah, never use more than one per line, with parens or not 🙂
18) %[]
You can use any non-alphanumeric character in place of
, i.e.%[]
=…Unfortunately Ruby documentation is lacking in this department (and in some others), for example percent strings doesn’t explain the bare
; except the very implicit hint onString::new
🙂27) super
Talking about
, it might be worthwhile to mention the difference betweensuper
: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.0/doc/syntax/modules_and_classes_rdoc.html#label-Inheritance.48) tail conditions
Don’t hide exceptions, or they are going to bite you from where you can’t see them 🙂
55) String#upto
does the same thing. Also you don’t needto_a
in the second example as ranges,upto
etc. already return an enumerator, e.g.('A'..'z').to_a.map(&:ord)
61) Method#owner
Really useful!
68) unless
Regarding confusion, I replace it with an
as soon as it makes me think about it.89) alias
You may want to use alias_method instead: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4763121/should-i-use-alias-or-alias-method
91) Marshal
Never pass untrusted data to
(similar toYaml::load
, which had security issues in the past).cn_jidong
January 14, 2016 - 9:05 pm
awesome !
Philippe Van Eerdenbrugghe
January 15, 2016 - 7:57 am
Concerning `prepend`, it’s more subtle than that.
Every class actually has a two half list of ancestors. One list “below” the class : the modules prepended tot the class and one list “above” the class : the modules included.
When you call a method on an instance of the class, the method call will be tried on the “below” list, then on the class itself, then on the “above” list.
This mechanism makes prepended modules really interesting to make `super` call and do something with the result. Actually that’s the main reason they were introduced, because it’s a much cleaner way to achieve this goal than the old `alias_method_chain`
Hunter Stevens
January 18, 2016 - 11:45 am
20 – an at-sign designates an instance variable, which does not always lie within a class. Therefore, calling it a class variable is not accurate.
24 – I suggest removing this. Although true, it is best practice to use `self`, in case you ever change class or module names.
54 – Also while true, it is much easier to do `(1..10)` (inclusive) and `(1…10)` (exclusive).
56 – `#squeeze` does not remove gaps, but rather takes all repeated characters (“aaa”, “…”) and spits out a string with them replaced by a single char (“a”, “.”). No parameter acts on all duplicate instances, while a param searches for only that one.
65 – True but would not recommend. If anything, you should separate long method chains by a new line, NOT spaces between the period!
66 – tabular alignment is not ideal — http://wconrad.github.io/20150627/tabular-alignment-antipattern.html
68 – `unless` is NOT the same as `if not`. The `not` keyword has lower precedence than `!method`. Rather, `unless` is the same as `if false`.
79 – That’s because `’99’.next` is `’100’`. Unless defined elsewhere, how is Ruby to know that `’99’.next` is `’AA’`?
George Taveras
January 20, 2016 - 10:15 pm
I’m pretty sure 9) is not correct.
a module module_function != a class private_method
here is a gist explaining:
You can say that module_function == single_methods. e.i. methods beginning with ‘self.’ inside a class or module, also known as class methods
Daniel P. Clark
January 21, 2016 - 2:30 pm
Yes, I’ve added clarification and a link to my previous blog on the topic Private Module Methods in Ruby
Leung Ho Kuen
January 21, 2016 - 8:40 pm
I think it’s better to talk about alias_method as well
And the difference between alias_method and alias
January 22, 2016 - 5:47 am
97) maybe Array#join, right?
cool doc, thanks!
February 28, 2016 - 10:56 am
Thx, it’s really interesting bundle 😉
Sean Snyder
April 28, 2016 - 11:36 am
81. Numbers succ, also pred for reverse
Simone Bravo
December 28, 2016 - 12:25 pm
I’m not 100% sure about the 93)TAB in IRB
Daniel P. Clark
December 29, 2016 - 1:35 pm
What version of Ruby are you using? The feature wasn’t always there.
Simone Bravo
December 29, 2016 - 4:50 pm
Sorry it was my fault, I’m using hyper.js and it has strange behaviours with everything.
BTW great article you taught me lots of hacks, thank you.
Joshua Scott
January 6, 2017 - 1:32 pm
49 – this doesn’t work as written, the `x` isn’t in scope inside the `a` method
Daniel P. Clark
January 11, 2017 - 1:24 am
Good catch! Updating it now.
May 5, 2017 - 11:39 pm
What the difference with:
def do_the_lazy(array_input)
Enumerator::Lazy.new(array_input) do |yielder, value|
yielder << value
def do_the_lazy(array_input)
Enumerator::Lazy.new(array_input) do |yielder, value|
Daniel P. Clark
May 8, 2017 - 12:58 pm
If you look at the tests for Ruby they’re the same.
link: .<<
link: .yield
June 23, 2017 - 2:24 am