Part 2: Stepping Up With Tor
Alright. So you’re in Linux and you’ve got Firefox running through your Tor client. There are now two more things you need. One is to update to the latest version of Tor. And secondly to use any other application through Tor rather then just Firefox.
So. Here you are on that free wifi again. And they’ve still got torproject.org blocked. You can view the site. But when you add the torproject repository to your system you fail to get the package details when you ‘apt-get update’. So what do you do?
Install proxychains. “sudo apt-get install proxychains”. ProxyChains is a script that will funnel any command that follows into the defined proxy. And it’s default setting is for Tor’s default setting.
So now nothing stands in your way for updating Tor. Simply visit https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en through your existing Tor session and follow the instructions to add their repository to your system. Once that’s done continue with your apt-get update and install, except this time place the proxychains command just before it. E.G. “proxychains sudo apt-get update”. Do the same for any command you want to go through the Tor network.
Now when you’re using your terminal, if you want everything you type during the session to go through the Tor network; just type “proxychains bash”. This starts a new bash shell where everything is funneled right in, and you don’t need to keep typing proxychains.
One shortcut I like doing, since I don’t have Tor running as a daemon, is I open a terminal and type “tor –quiet &”. This runs Tor in the background and keeps it from putting any output into my terminal.
Now you can keep your Tor client up to date, and you can do more then just browse with the network. Enjoy!
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God bless!
– Daniel P. Clark