November 13, 2015 by Daniel P. Clark

Rails Rumble – the Experience

Rails Rumble is a yearly programming challenge.  Each team is given 48 hours to complete and publish a website written in Ruby.  You are permitted solo entry or up to 4 people as a team.  You can do no coding of the project beforehand, but you can draw up and discuss plans as much as…

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May 16, 2015 by Daniel P. Clark

Switching From Unicorn to Puma on Heroku is Easy!

I’ve had my project running on Heroku with Unicorn for some time now.  Not that long ago Heroku put out a notice advising people to switch over to Puma as Unicorn doesn’t do well with low latency connections.  And you know that with the internet you’re always going to have people with slow connections accessing…

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